Kitten dressed up by kids

Bella, when she arrived here from Sandra Wooley her breeder, our granddaughters were so excited and used to love dressing her up or pushing her around in a dolls pram, Bella, bless her was just the most laid back kitty imaginable with them.

Ticked tabby Asian kitten

(Left) Roberto stalking a cow which is over the fence from our lawn, his favourite prey although he never managed to catch one, was pheasants, they were quite fearless, often one would be surrounded by 4 or 5 cats intent on killing them and they just strutted around as if they hadn't a care in the world, the moment a cat  crept within a couple of metres they employed vertical take off, which really is a little unfair.

(Below) Roberto again, he paid the price for falling asleep in the radiator bed hoping no one would notice him.