About us
Hello, we are Theresa and John Beale, hobby breeders and exhibitors of the Asian breeds of cats, especially the semi longhaired variety know as Tiffanies which come in all of the colours and patterns of Asians and Burmese cats.
Our first pedigree cat was a chocolate Burmese called Abby and we had our first litter from a tortie Burmese 'Annie' in 1989, we got our foundation Tiffanie girl 'Lulu' in 2006 and have bred and shown with some success for over 35 years, our prefix 'Teignage' is pronounced 'Teenage', it's a play on words and refers to the Teign ("Teen") river and estuary, which is local to us.
Image shows Molly being assessed by GCCF judge John Hansson, she is a black tortie silver shaded Tiffanie and her pedigree name and GCCF title is Grand Champion and UK Imperial Grand Premier Teignage Femme Fatale, Molly was also shown in Tica and was this years (2024) long haired Burmilla (Tiffanie) 'International best of breed'